Enhancing Energy Efficiency of Freight Transport Sector in Asia and the Pacific

Implementation Period

October 2022 - present




Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UN)

Position Held

Transport and Logistics Expert / Project Coordinator

Main Project Features

This project aimed to strengthen the capacity of policymakers in ESCAP member States to develop and implement effective policies and plans for a more energy-efficient freight transport sector in Asia and the Pacific. The ultimate goal was to contribute to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) No. 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy), 9 (Industry Innovation & Infrastructure), and 11 (Sustainable Cities). Key areas of exploration are: (i) policy and regulatory measures, as well as governance structure changes, that affect transport mode choices (road, rail, and inland waterways), leading to reduced energy intensity in freight transport systems; (ii) current and future trends, including vehicle efficiency standards, fuel economy and emission standards, hydro and battery electric vehicles (EVs), autonomous vehicles, alternative fuels, and other new technologies that support energy efficiency; (iii) policy options, incentives, and other measures to encourage technology development in the freight transport sector.

Activities Performed

Conducted research and analysis to identify technologies and policy options aimed at improving energy efficiency, promoting clean, alternative, and renewable energy sources, and enhancing the energy efficiency of the freight transport sector. Gathered information and examples of national initiatives and best practices to support the project's goals. Developed recommended policy options based on research findings. Prepared a draft study report, incorporating data and analysis. Coordinated with other expert consultants to integrate their input into a consolidated study output. Participated in and delivered presentations at meetings organized by the ESCAP secretariat.